9th September
These mountains are amazingly simple, yet sincerely spectacular. Unlike most other mountains, they are not in the middle of ranges, but just single mountains (mostly) jutting out in the middle of nowhere. They are apparently the inside of old volcanoes, where the outer crust has eroded away over 25 million years, and just left the lava rock standing tall for all of us to admire.
We headed towards Mt Ngungun at 253 metres high and sent the kids off climbing, with us two oldies trying to pretend to look as fit as them and keep up.
My eating and drinking habits lately are very rapidly turning me into a mountain, so hauling my backside up there was a feat in itself.... but I did it, and was only sweating for the last 70% of the way, so I am pretty happy about that!
Beautiful sights, including the top which, unlike a lot of other climbs we have done, was all rock and not covered in trees that hindered the views. We had a full 360 degree view of our surrounds, but couldn't relax too much as the kids still had an abundance of energy, and kept wanting to look at the next rock, which was a sheer drop of about 40 metres.
Eventually we made it back to the bottom, so headed off back for a well deserved brew and rest.... until the kids dragged me out of my chair to have a game of cricket for the next hour.
All in all, a very active day, with some great sights.
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