Monday, 9 March 2015

Sydney - again

16th October 2014

The weather was supposed to be a nice 22 degrees and sunny, so we caught the train in to Sydney again and got on an extremely expensive "Hop on, Hop off" ferry. The way I had interpreted this was that they did a tour of the Harbour and all the usual stops, with a running commentary of the Ports, Islands, attractions etc, as well as tickets to the Sydney Aquarium. As it turned out, it was no different to any of the other ferries, except that it did have someone giving a commentary that could be heard every now and then over the noise of the engines on full throttle.
Regardless, we got off at Watson Bay and decided to join the elite by dining at Doyle's - the famous seafood diner.
After we finished our chips and had let the kids practice their ninja Warrior sand jumps, we re-boarded and took off to Darling Harbour for the Aquarium visit.  The kids had a great time here, with all the information and interaction with the marine life, and we managed to spend clse to 2 hours looking around before catching the train back and collapsing with a well deserved beer or 3 (me, not the kids).


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