Monday, 9 March 2015

Wauchope & Port Macquarie

5th October

We set up at the Showgrounds at Wauchope for a bit of respite from the exorbitant school holiday prices at all caravan parks at the moment and used it as a base to visit Port Macquarie and surrounds. I had heard a lot of good things about Port Mac and the fabulous walking trails, but we ended up mildly disappointed. The walking trails were rather scenic, but when they finished at the roadside, there was no way of getting to the next without driving, or navigating the kids along the esplanade with all the local hoons tearing past at a speed more suited for the Pacific Highway.
The foreshore was pretty interesting apart from the fact the wind was trying to blow all the remaining hair on my head to the next suburb. All the rocks along the foreshore have been claimed by locals as "theirs" and painted as either a remembrance, a personal message, or just something that could be painted.
There was also a local Koala painting art demonstration in the area, where about 50 Koalas had been painted by local artists and on display around the region. Not sure the koalas were too happy about being soaked in paint, but the final products looked pretty cool.


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